Child-Focused Education Prevention
Safety Matters®™
Athlete Safety Matters®™/Child Safety Matters®/Teen Safety Matters® - Monique Burr Foundation (MBF) for Children
Target audience: MBF After-School Safety Matters – for children in after-school programs and youth-serving organizations in multi-grade-level groups (K-2, 3-5, and 6-8) – six 35-45-minute topic-specific lessons.
MBF Athlete Safety Matters – for youth athletes (from beginner to elite) in multi-grade-level groups (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12) – two 35-55-minute lessons per grade-level group annuallyMBF Child Safety Matters – for students in grades K-5 – two 35-55-minute lessons per grade level annually.
MBF Teen Safety Matters – Middle School – for students in grades 6-8 – two 55-minute lessons per grade level annually.
MBF Teen Safety Matters – High School – for students in grades 9-12 – two 55-minute lessons per grade-level group (9-12) annually. School-based programs can be presented in four shorter lessons and have lesson options available for remote presentation for distance learners.
Cost: All programs are available to districts, schools, and organizations via a three-year digital subscription and include training for multiple facilitators. MBF After-School Matters - $750 MBF Athlete Safety Matters - $750 MBF Child Safety Matters - $1500 MBF Teen Safety Matters-Middle School - $750 MBF Teen Safety Matters-High School - $750
Content/Materials: All MBF Prevention Education Program lessons are provided to youth by trained facilitators using turnkey scripts and PowerPoints. All programs cover the four types of child abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect), bullying, cyberbullying, and digital dangers. The upper-grade levels also include relationship abuse, sexual assault, and exploitation/trafficking. School-based programs have additional modules covering mental health and substance use/abuse awareness and prevention. Reinforcement materials for students, parents/guardians, and staff/volunteers are an added component of the program. Facilitators have access to online facilitator training, and all adults have access to online professional development courses and other resources. Parents have access to a website and free mobile app with additional information and resources.
Summary: MBF Prevention Education Programs are comprehensive, evidence-based/evidence-informed primary prevention education programs for youth. These programs are developmentally appropriate, based on polyvictimization research, and teach five universal safety rules kids can use to help them and their Safe Adults prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to all types of victimization, including abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect), bullying, cyberbullying, sexual assault, exploitation/trafficking, online/digital abuse, and other digital dangers.
More information: Monique Burr Foundation (mbfpreventioneducation.org)
Phone: (904) 642-0210 | Email: julie@mbfpreventioneducation.org
Relationships Project
Prevent Child Abuse Vermont
Target audience: Care for Kids: PreK-2nd Grade We Care Elementary: 3rd – 6th Grade SAFE-T: 7th and 8th Grade
Cost: $550.00 We Care Elementary: $400.00 SAFE-T: $400.00
Content/Materials: Care for Kids: Kit includes 1 Care for Kids Curriculum, 6 posters, three dolls, 7 children's books and one thumb drive with handouts for printing. We Care Elementary: Kit includes one facilitator's guide (including lesson outline and objectives, staff training resources, and take-home materials for students and parents) and 1 thumb drive with handouts for printing. SAFE-T: Kit includes one facilitator's guide (including lesson outline and objectives, worksheets, staff training resources and take-home materials for students and parents), and 1 thumb drive with handouts for printing as well as 2 short videos to use in conjunction with lessons.
Summary: All programs are developmentally-appropriate, trauma-informed, and focus on both victim and problematic sexual behavior prevention. Care for Kids (PreK to 2nd Grade): An early childhood sexual abuse prevention curriculum used by teachers, childcare providers, and parents. Topics include communication skills, nurturing skills (empathy), body parts, developing positive attitudes toward sexuality, and understanding of healthy boundaries. We Care Elementary (3rd -6th Grade): An elementary school sexual abuse prevention curriculum in which teachers are trained and supported to deliver developmentally appropriate information. We Care Elementary provides school staff training, home sheets for parents to support students learning, and school newsletter articles. SAFE-T is a developmentally-appropriate, trauma-informed, positive health education program. It is designed to decrease the likelihood of youth being sexually abused and/or sexually abusing others. Training for teachers, school staff, and parents is integral to the program.
More information: Healthy Relationships Project — Prevent Child Abuse Vermont (pcavt.org)
Phone: 800-975-7147 | Email: mhambrick@pcavt.org
Smarter Schools
Lauren’s Kids
Target audience: PreK - 12th Grade
Cost: Please contact education@laurenskids.org for pricing for grades PreK-5
Middle School Kit: $300.00 per kit plus shipping High School Kit: $300.00 per kit plus shipping
Content/Materials: K-5 Digital Content: Step-by-step facilitator’s guide, scope and sequence, scripted group lesson guides with visuals, Emmy award-winning, engaging videos and in-class or digital activities for practice and application of concepts enabling all children to effectively learn critical safety strategies, no matter their learning style. Caregiver letters in English, Spanish, and Creole are also components of this program Middle School and High School: Each unit comes with specific items to include Teacher’s Guide, Parent Letters, USB with videos, Lesson Glossaries and Activity Sheets.
Summary: The Safer, Smarter Schools curriculum is a Kindergarten through 12th Grade personal safety and abuse prevention program developed by the Lauren’s Kids Foundation, lifelong educators, sexual violence prevention experts, developmental psychologists, and the University of Florida Lastinger Center with support and oversight from the Florida Department of Education. Throughout the curriculum lessons, students are armed with protective principles and vocabulary to express their feelings of safety and talk to a trusted adult. In Safer, Smarter Kids and Safer, Smarter Teens, students are taught to identify “safe” and “unsafe” situations, people, and secrets based on how each of these makes students feel (Safe feelings include happiness, confidence, love, security, excitement; unsafe feelings include nervousness, confusion, a sense that something is not quite right, secrecy, hurt, guilt, shame). In older grades, we address issues adolescents face in relationships with peers and adults, such as balance of power, enforcing boundaries, the grooming process, mental health, and advocating for oneself.
More information: Safer Smarter Schools | Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Curriculum | Kids Safety Teaching Laurens Kids
Phone: 888-336-5226 | Email: education@laurenskids.org
Empower Me!
Jacob Wetterling Resource Center
Target audience: K- 4th Grade
Cost: $250/kit (additional fees for optional training)
Content/Materials: Script/PowerPoint for presenter, video for parents to watch with an overview of the program, letter to go home that can be adapted for each school or organization, video example for presenter to use as reference. Can be done in one session or ideally can be offered in four modules. The four-module option also offers classroom activities following each module.
Summary: As an agency that has been training parents, professionals, community members and children for more than 30 years, we know talking about personal safety can be done in a positive and empowering way. This kit is designed to help facilitate those important conversations so kids can walk around smart, not scared. Topics include the buddy system, checking first, secrets vs. surprises, 5 trusted adults, listening to your "uh-oh" feeling, and body ownership. Never fear-based, this material is covered in a way that empowers children.
More information: https://www.zeroabuseproject.org/empower-me/
Phone: 1-800-325-HOPE | Email: alison@zeroabuseproject.org
Play it Safe! ®
Prevent Child Abuse Vermont
Target audience: PreK- 6th Grade
Cost: Pre-K – 2nd Grade: $229/per grade 3rd- High School: $179/per grade Online + Hard Copy: Pre-K – 2nd Grade: $329/per grade 3rd- High School: $229/per grade To purchase all 9 elementary programs, the cost for hard copy + online streaming for a year is approximately $2172.00. There is an annual fee of $30/per program to maintain online streaming of the videos.
Content/Materials: It is comprised of age-appropriate scripts and corresponding videos for each grade level, Pre-K through 6th grade, and topic-specific scripts and videos for secondary schools. There are a total of 14 unique presentations and videos. A Joe and Suzy doll set is utilized in presentations for children in Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades. The dolls wear bathing suits, so young children can understand the location of private parts of the body. Coloring books for children in Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades reinforce the 3-part safety rule.
Summary: Play it Safe!® is a personal safety curriculum. It is designed to teach children how to be safe from abuse. Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, or neglect. There is a separate and specific presentation designed for each grade Pre-K through 6th grade. The presentation format is classroom-based so that children are in a familiar environment and able to focus and interact freely. Each presentation lasts approximately one hour and includes an age-appropriate script and 10-20 minute video.
More information:
Phone: 1-888-984-2294 | Email: info@PlayitSafe.org
Body Safety Training©
(BST) Series – Sandy Wurtele, PhD.
Target audience: PreK- 3rd Grade (children ages 3-8 years old).
Cost: $20.00 for parent workbook, $40.00 for curriculum for teachers
Content/Materials: Workbook. There are two versions of the BST Workbook; one for parents to use at home and one for teachers to use in a classroom setting. The two versions can be used separately or in combination. The only requirement is to be able to read the script included in the workbook.
Summary: This is a ten-lesson course designed to teach students about general safety issues (fires, guns, poison, pedestrian, and home alone concerns), as well as body safety (identifying private parts, safe vs. unsafe touching, and reporting). Lessons typically take 15-20 minutes.
More information: sandywurtele.com
To request in-person training contact the DMF Team.
Phone: (719) 499-4082 | Email: swurtele@uccs.edu
Red Flag, Green Flag
Rape and Abuse Crisis Center of Fargo-Moorhead
Target audience: Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
Cost: TBD, revised Edition available in Fall 2022
Content/Materials: In the interactive Red Flag Green Flag© program, children learn to recognize safe and healthy boundaries so they can also feel empowered to speak up and take action (as they are able) in a variety of uncomfortable or unsafe situations. Through conversation and coloring activities, they distinguish between different types of touches people give and receive and practice the Red Flag Green Flag© three-step process for safety; “Say NO—Get Away—Tell a Helper.”
Summary: A program for elementary-aged children to promote personal boundaries and body ownership.
More information: Prevention Education | Rape and Abuse Crisis Center of Fargo-Moorhead (raccfm.com)
Phone: (701) 293-7273 | Email: Education@raccfm.com
Safe Touches
New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Target audience: Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
Cost: Varies depending on scope and location of implementation. To maintain fidelity to the evidence-informed Safe Touches model, the program requires facilitator training, including travel expenses.
Content/Materials: Safe Touches includes a workshop and homework activities with caregivers.
Summary: An evidence-based, age-appropriate child sexual abuse prevention program designed for children in kindergarten through third grade. The classroom-based workshop is 45-minutes long, highly interactive, and fun. Specially trained facilitators use puppets to teach children important body safety concepts that can help keep them safe from child sexual abuse. Children learn the difference between safe and not safe touches, the private parts of the body, and safety tools they can use if they ever receive a not safe touch or feel unsafe. Following the workshop, each child receives the Safe Touches My Body Belongs to Me activity booklet to bring home and complete with a parent or caregiver. The activity booklet reinforces the safety concepts learned in the workshop and facilitates conversations about body safety at home.
More information: https://nyspcc.org/what-we-do/training-institute/professional-trainings-and-resources/safe-touches/
Phone: 212-233-5500 | Email: safetouches@nyspcc.org
Protection Unit
Second Step
Target audience: PreK- 5th Grade
Cost: $1,129.00
Content/Materials: The Second Step Child Protection Unit classroom kits include all necessary printed lessons, the songs CD for which a CD player is needed, and a videos DVD for which a DVD player is needed. A photocopier is needed for the family letters and Home Links. If the classroom is equipped with internet access and a projector, the lessons, songs, and videos are available online.
Summary: The Second Step Child Protection Unit program for PreK and Elementary school children is a universal, classroom-based program designed to develop students' knowledge and skills for protecting themselves from unsafe and abusive situations, both in and out of the classroom. The Second Step Child Protection Unit program aims to provide developmentally appropriate explicit skills instruction, offering content and media that is designed to be age-appropriate and engage students in learning how to recognize, refuse, and report unsafe situations and inappropriate touching.
*Schools can just purchase the Child Protection Unit without using the Second Step curriculum. Please note that the Child Protection Unit is only 6 lessons. Typically, schools use both the Child Protection Unit along with the Second Step SEL to have a full year of lessons.
More information: Child Protection Unit | Child Abuse Prevention | Second Step
Phone: (800) 634-4449 | Email: support@secondstep.org
Walking in Balance
Visioning B.E.A.R. Circle Intertribal Coalition
Target audience: Everyone.
Cost: $5,200
Content/Materials: Walking in Balance with All Our Relations curriculum: Thirteen 3-hour modules taught in Circle Practice: 1. How the Circle works 2. Peace & Justice 3. Respect 4. Balance 5. Courage 6. Humility 7. Compassion 8. Empathy 9. Wisdom 10. Connection to the Land 11. Sacredness/Vision 12. Generosity 13. Gratitude The curriculum is taught in small groups of 8. Once the participants attend all the sessions, they are then offered an opportunity to be a part of a teaching team. After a successful teaching experience, trainers are certified to teach in their communities.
Summary: A primary prevention curriculum based on indigenous values prior to colonization to promote the safety of Youth, Adults, and Elders in our communities from a Racial Justice and Gender Equity Lens
More information: Walking in Balance Training – Visioning B.E.A.R. Circle Intertribal Coalition (visioningbear.org)
Phone: 413-961-9167 | Email: visioningb.e.a.r@gmail.com