Child Sexual Abuse:
Defining the Issue
The North Dakota Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Task Force defines child sexual abuse as any interaction between a child and another person in which a child is used for sexual behaviors and activities through contact and/or non-contact behaviors.
1 in every 10 North Dakota children will be a victim of child sexual abuse by their 18th birthday.
When it comes to child sexual abuse research shows that the greatest risk to children doesn’t come from strangers….
90% of children are sexually abused by someone they know
40% of child sexual abuse cases involved older or more powerful children as the abusers.
However, a 2022 study suggests that this figure has now risen to 70%.
By educating ourselves, WE can become a powerful force in making North Dakota a safer place for children.
"We mustn’t lose sight of the strength and resilience shown by survivors in the face of adversity."