Adult-Focused Prevention Education
Responsibility Project
Prevent Child Abuse Vermont
Target audience: Adults.
Cost: Trainings are $25/each.
Content/Materials: Virtual, two-hour, interactive, discussion-based trainings.
Summary: The Adult Responsibility Project is a series of eight child sexual abuse prevention trainings for adult audiences on the prevalence, risk factors, and protective factors. Participants of these virtual, two-hour, interactive, discussion-based trainings show an increase in knowledge and skills known to prevent child sexual abuse from happening in the first place. Topics include Nurturing Healthy Sexual Development, Everything Everyone Needs to Know to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse, TECHNICOOL: Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet, and more.
More information: https://www.pcavt.org/upcoming-adult-responsibility-project-trainings
Phone: 800-975-7147 | Email: mhambrick@pcavt.org
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training
Dakota Medical Foundation
Target audience: Any adult.
Cost: Free.
Content/Materials: Training available in-person or online. The online training includes a “Pledge to Protect” for participants to sign and a Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Handbook. In-person training is approximately 90-minutes with materials provided.
Summary: The Dakota Medical Foundation Child Sexual Abuse Prevention initiative teaches a set of preventative strategies to help protect children from sexual abuse. This program was developed and authored locally by regional health, education, and child safety experts from organizations represented on the Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Steering Committee. Volunteer trainers come from these agencies and many others. The Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Handbook includes Warning Signs of Grooming, Normal Sexual Development by Age, 10 Steps to Protect, How to Prevent Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation, Sample Safety Plan, and more.
More information: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention • DMF (dakmed.org)To request in-person training contact the DMF Team.
Phone: 800-975-7147 | Email: Info@dakmed.org
Walking in Balance
Visioning B.E.A.R.
Circle Intertribal Coalition
Target audience: Everyone.
Cost: Facilitator training $5,200 (facilitator fee)
Content/Materials: Walking in Balance with All Our Relations curriculum: Thirteen 3-hour modules taught in Circle Practice: 1. How the Circle works 2. Peace & Justice 3. Respect 4. Balance 5. Courage 6. Humility 7. Compassion 8. Empathy 9. Wisdom 10. Connection to the Land 11. Sacredness/Vision 12. Generosity 13. Gratitude The curriculum is taught in small groups of 8. Once the participants attend all the sessions, they are then offered an opportunity to be a part of a teaching team. After a successful teaching experience, trainers are certified to teach in their communities.
Summary: A primary prevention curriculum based on indigenous values prior to colonization to promote the safety of Youth, Adults, and Elders in our communities from a Racial Justice and Gender Equity Lens.
More information: Walking in Balance Training – Visioning B.E.A.R. Circle Intertribal Coalition (visioningbear.org)
Phone: 413-961-9167 | Email: visioningb.e.a.r@gmail.com
Stewards of Children®
Darkness to Light
Target audience: Any adult.
Cost: 1 - 99 — $10.00/each
100 - 499 — $9.00/each
500 - 999 — $8.00/each
1000 - 4999 — $7.00/each
5000 and more — $6.00/each
Content/Materials: Available both online and in-person.
Summary: An evidence-informed, two-hour training that teaches adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Through interviews with child sexual abuse survivors, experts, and treatment providers, Stewards of Children® teaches adults practical actions they can take to reduce instances of child sexual abuse in their organizations, families, and communities.
More information: Browse Products (drummond.com)
Phone: 843-965-5444 | Email: Stewards@D2L.org
Stewards Plus®
Darkness to Light
Target audience: Any adult.
Cost: $25 / each
Content/Materials: Available both online and in-person.
Summary: Stewards Plus includes both "Stewards of Children"®, Darkness to Light's flagship training that teaches adults to prevent recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse, as well as 5 additional trainings that build off "Stewards of Children"®: Recognizing & Reporting Physical Abuse and Neglect; Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children; Bystanders Protecting Children from Boundary Violations & Sexual Abuse; Healthy Touch for Children and Youth; and Talking with Children about Safety from Sexual Abuse.
More information: Browse Products (drummond.com)
Phone: 843-965-5444 | Email: Stewards@D2L.org
Enough! Prevent Child Abuse Vermont
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
in My School - MassKids
Target audience: The program is designed for school employees, including teachers, administrators, counselors, coaches, office personnel, and support staff who work with children in grades K–12.
Cost: The course is made available to public and private schools on a $20 per learner cost. Administrators may preview the course at no cost. Discounts are available for multi-year agreements.
Content/Materials: The course uses an interactive format to inform and engage participants. Teacher avatars guide participants through two scenarios of educator sexual misconduct. To reinforce knowledge gains and support ongoing learning, a robust Resource Bank is included with downloadable booklets, handouts, videos, etc. Policy resources are included and serve as the basis for post-course follow-up discussions among school personnel and administrators.
Summary:This interactive one-hour online training course teaches school personnel about child sex abuse (CSA) and the steps they can take to prevent it. The course is specifically designed to address the fears and biases that hinder school personnel from identifying, reporting, and preventing CSA. Participants learn about the behaviors associated with grooming and the increased importance of reporting responsibilities. Evaluations consistently show that over 98% of participants would recommend the course to a colleague, and that the highly interactive format with realistic examples is engaging and easy to understand. Results of a randomized-controlled study of teachers in three states published in the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse found, at the highest level of statistical significance, increases in learner knowledge, ability to identify boundary-violating behaviors early, and willingness/confidence in reporting disclosed or suspected cases. The course is accredited for 1 Social Work continuing education hour by NASW-MA.
More information: Enough Abuse Campaign www.enoughabuse.org
Phone: (617) 742-8555 | Email: info@enoughabuse.org